Sarajevo shopping

During my Sarajevo trip I only did a little bit of shopping. As I was traveling with only a carry on I couldn’t really but too much. These few makeup items I picked up were more because I needed them, than anything else. I did get a few more things but I left them at the apartment because I\m going back inĀ  just a few weeks.

Here is what I picked up:


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<3 ellviisa

I freaking love spring!

Work mode is in full effect. I have so many exciting things going on, I leave work just to go home and work some more. The sunshine we’ve been having these last few weeks is doing wonders for me and my creativity. As soon as I can tell you about the things I’ve been working on, you know I will.

Later today I have a meeting and after that I’m meeting up with some friends for a drink. Therefore I incorporated my going out outfit with my work outfit.

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